Friday, June 26, 2009

A message...

[push play before reading entry]


NO! Don't look at me! Act like you're refilling your coffee. I don't have much time...

*Looks around*

There is an order. A large one. It is already in the office and it will likely take all of my morning, so this is the last we'll speak for quite some time. Continue to investigate every corner of the internet until I return. If I'm not back by Sunday, don't come looking. It will be too late.

*doors opening, noises in hallway*

They're here! Quickly, I must appear to be working... OH! One last thing before I go: be sure and find whichever dumbass McDonald's employee forgot to include my damn hashbrowns. That's my favorite part of the whole frickin' breakfast. I was really looking forward to that this morning, too. That employee: they need to disappear. Make it happen.

Good luck, readers.

This blog will self-destruct in 5.....







Pop and Ice said...

So did you go back to get your hasbrown? I would have....

JoeyfromSC said...

haha!!!!!! this made my day! Just found your blog and that was clever and creative!!:)

I used to be a swing manager at Mickey Deez! It sucked haha

How hard is it to remember your hashbrown though?lol

The title of your blog is cute too!

Sultan said...

Hashbrowns!!! Yummy, the deprivation of them is a true and deep crime.