Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tik Tok

During this time of graduation and whatnot, I have seen a lot of Facebook statii that are along the lines of "Wow! I can't believe that I graduate this week!" or "I am a junior in college now? When did that happen?" I can relate to these on an "I have been there" level, but also on a "Holy crap... I have to drive 13 hours tomorrow" level.

13 hours.

In lieu of walking the stage at my commencement this weekend, I have an audition for Pensacola Opera's Artist in Residence program. As in... it's IN Pensacola. So, since I have some amazing friends in Mobile, AL, I'm going to drive there tomorrow and stay with them for the weekend. I am SUPER excited, since I NEVER get to see them. I talk to them on a daily basis, but I have only seen them IRL (hahaha) one other time.

Anyhow, it's just blowing my mind that I'm going to be driving that distance....tomorrow. Eep.

In music news, I am loving this song:

Tik Tok - ke$ha

Heard it via Today's Big Thing and THIS genius Simpson's opening.



Mary Ellen said...

Great news about the audition - GOOD LUCK!

Candy_vn said...

i love Tik tok too( not tic tok >.<) ,do you like Lady Gaga? Come my blog: