She and I have been BFFs (hahaha) since I was a sophomore and she was a freshman in high school. We were both in band and in choir and there was just one day at an after school rehearsal that I just decided that we were going to be friends. Apparently, that was all I had to do, because she was pretty quiet and, (obviously) I am the opposite of quiet, so it worked out. We sang together with her mother at, of all things, a cafeteria workers end of the year banquet. We sang "I'll Fly Away" but with the words "I'll Walk in May" and another song with new words that I don't remember, and this:
Tonight - Patience and Prudence
I was a bitch in high school. I can admit it. I can own up to it. And Kate was my best friend through all of it; my only true friend, really. I had other good friends, but Kate is the one I can call at any time ever ever, even if we haven't talked in months, and we'll talk for 2 hours catching up (we have done this). She and her fiancé (who is GREAT, by the way) and I just sat at IHOP for an hour talking about wedding stuff and boy stuff and just stuff stuff and man, I need to go see them. Maybe I'll get to make a trip of it, though I'm kind of running out of summer. In any case, she's one of those life friends that will be around for the duration.
Valentine's Day (we were hot stuff)
Prom (so classy)
Kate and Andrew (SO cute!)
I can't WAIT for your wedding!
Kate and Andrew are a cute couple. The high school eye makeup was a bit.....much? Perhaps? At least you had character!
Pfft! The eye make-up was the best part! Getting to go to a dance looking like a tramp was so much fun. Hahaha, oh, good times.
So I have this memory. Quite possibly fabricated in the world of me. Broadway and Beyond, Orange Colored Sky. Forever stuck in my head (because it's an awesome song. I have this vague memory of Kate singing it...
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